

Robert Gamboa is the senior recruiter at the ICAP Harlem Prevention Center (HPC) in Harlem, New York. He joined HPC in 2009 as a community outreach worker for HPTN 061. Robert was instrumental in achieving the highest enrollment rate among all HPTN 061 study sites and best participant retention rate among all sites. He has nearly two decades of experience as a Harlem-based advocate, working with people who use drugs, transgender individuals and men who have sex with men (MSM).

Annet Davis, MSW, RN, is a community engagement coordinator and project director at the University of Pennsylvania HIV Clinical Trials Unit in Philadelphia. She currently supports HPTN 083 as a community educator and Community Working Group member.

Daniel Gondwe is an assistant community engagement coordinator with the John Hopkins Research Project in Blantyre, Malawi. He currently serves as a member of the HPTN 084 Community Working Group.