

Theo Sandfort, Ph.D., is HPTN 075 protocol chair and professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University and a research scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He is trained as a social psychologist in the Netherlands, where he was chair of the Gay and Lesbian Studies Department at Utrecht University. In 2001, Theo moved to New York and joined the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies.

Luciana Kamel is a community educator and counselor at Laboratory of Clinical Research (LaPClin)/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mina Hosseinipour is HPTN 084 protocol co-chair and professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and the scientific director of UNC Project-Malawi in Lilongwe, Malawi. After completing her training in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and epidemiology, Mina moved to Lilongwe in 2001 to begin preparations for the HPTN 052 study.