Mar 5, 2021
The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) will take place virtually from March 6-10. Live interactive and engaging session will be featured each day along with on-demand content.
HPTN researchers will present 10 abstracts (twooral; eightScience SpotlightsTM) covering HPTN 052, HPTN 069, HPTN 071, and HPTN 083. Presentations will be posted online at when available.
Study |
Title |
Presentation Type |
Date/Time |
HPTN 052 | Predictors of Pregnancy among HIV+ Women Enrolled in HPTN 052 | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 069 | Hair Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Daily Maraviroc Adherence In HPTN 069/ACTG 5305 | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 071 | Evaluation of a Rapid Test Algorithm to Estimate HIV Incidence: HPTN 071/PopART | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 071 | HIV Drug Resistance in a Trial of Universal Testing & Treatment: HPTN 071/POPART | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 071 | Impact of Early Viral Suppression on Incidence Assays: HPTN 071 (POPART) | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 071 | Use of Multi-Assay Algorithms to Identify Recent HIV Infections: HPTN 071/POPART | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
HPTN 083 | Cost-effectiveness of Long-acting PrEP Among MSM/TGW in the U.S. | Oral Presentation | Tuesday 9 March during Prevention 2021 Session 12:20 – 12:30 pm ET |
HPTN 083 | Laboratory Analysis of HIV Infections in HPTN 083: Injectable CAB For PrEP | Oral Presentation | Tuesday 9 March during Prevention 2021 Session 12:50 – 1:00 pm ET |
HPTN 083 | Both Abstracts Listed Above | Live Questions and Answers (Part II) with Presenters and Attendees During Prevention 2021 Session | Tuesday 9 March 1:00 – 1:15 pm ET |
HPTN 083 | Laboratory Analysis of HIV Infections in HPTN 083: Injectable CAB for PrEP | Press Conference | Tuesday 9 March 2:35 – 4:00 pm ET |
Lab Center | Antibody Profiling Identifies Antibody Targets Associated with Natural HIV Control | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
Lab Center | Comparison of Asante and Swift HIV Rapid Recency of Infection Assays | Science Spotlight | On Demand |
Modelling Center | Modelling the Impact Of COVID-19-Related Disruptions on HIV in the United States | Science Spotlight | On Demand |