
HPTN at CROI 2022

CROI 2022


The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) takes place virtually from February 12-16. The entire program will be accessible live and via on-demand playback to all registered attendees through the conference platform. HPTN researchers will present 10 abstracts (six oral; four posters) covering HPTN 069, HPTN 071, HPTN 082, HPTN 083, HPTN 084, HVTN 130/HPTN 089, HPTN Modelling Centre, and CoVPN 5002.

Presentations will be shared online when available at

See below for abstract listings.


Study # and Title


Presentation Details

Monday, February 14
CoVPN 5002 46 - SARS-CoV-2 Prevalence in Children and Adults in 15 US Communities: The COMPASS Study Jessica E. Justman

Oral Abstract

Session 4 Evolving Epidemiology of HIV and SARS-CoV-2

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (10:14)

HPTN Modelling Centre 836 - Estimating Benefits From Using On-Demand Oral PrEP by MSM in US: A Modeling Study Sarah Stansfield

Poster Session

V01 PrEP: Services, Cost-Effectiveness, Bone Loss, and ARV Resistance

2:00 PM MT - 3:30 PM MT

Tuesday, February 15
HVTN 405/HPTN 1901 97 - Symptom Durating in COVID-19 Convalescent Patients: Regional & Clinical Associations Jorge A. Gallardo-Cartagena

Oral Abstract

Session 9 SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals and outcomes

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (9:50)

HVTN 130/HPTN 089 81 - Phase 1 Study of Combination Anti-HIV Neutralizing Antibodies in HIV Negative Adults Magdalena E. Sobieszczyk

Oral Abstract

Session 7 HIV Prevention: from the Bench to Population

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (9:58)

HPTN 084 86 - Counterfactual Estimation of CAB-LA Efficacy Against Placebo Using External Trial Data Deborah Donnell

Oral Abstract

Session 7 HIV Prevention: from the Bench to Population

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (11:01)

HPTN 083 96 - Updated Efficacy, Safety, and Case Studies in HPTN 083: CAB-LA vs. TDF/FTC for PrEP Raphael J. Landovitz

Oral Abstract

Session 8 Global Persperctives on HIV Testing, Treatment, and Prevention

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (11:01)

HPTN 071 87 - Different HIV Protection for Traditional and Medical Circumcision in HPTN 071 (POPART) Kidist B. Zewdie

Oral Abstract

Session 7 HIV Prevention: from the Bench to Population

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (11:09)

HPTN 083 95 - CAB-LA PrEP: Early Detection of HIV Infection may Reduce INSTI Resistance Risk Susan Eshleman

Oral Abstract

Session 8 Global Perspectives on HIV Testing, Treatment, and Prevention

9:45 AM MT - 11:45 AM MT (11:09)

HPTN 082 842 - A Tool to Assess HIV Prevention Readiness of Adolescent Girls and Young Women Geetha Beauchamp

Poster Session

V02 PrEP in Adolescents and Pregnant People

2:00 PM MT - 3:30 PM MT

Wednesday, February 16
HPTN 069 859 - Expectations of Preventive Benefits and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors in HPTN 069 Jeremy Sugarman

Poster Session

V04 Early Phase Studies of HIV Vaccines, bNAbs, and Next-Generation PrEP

2:00 PM MT - 3:30 PM MT

HPTN 084 700 - Evaluation of CAB-LA Safety and PK in Pregnant Women in the Blinded Phase of HPTN 084 Sinead Delany-Moretlwe

Poster Session

P05 HIV Infection and Prevention in Pregnancy

2:00 PM MT - 3:30 PM MT