
HPTN at CROI 2025

HPTN at CROI 2025

HPTN researchers presented 11 abstracts (seven orals and four posters) at the 2025 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) from March 9-12 in San Francisco.

Materials will be added as made available.


HPTN 084

No Increased Risk for Hypertension with CAB-LA Compared to TDF/FTC for PrEP: Results from HPTN 084 (Sinead Delany-Moretlwe)

HPTN 084

Performance of HIV RNA Screening in the Context of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir (Sinead Delany-Moretlwe)

HPTN 094

Preliminary Efficacy for HPTN 094: 26-Week RCT of Integrated Strategies for People Who Inject Drugs (Steve Shoptaw)

HPTN 083

Estimation of Prevention-Effective CAB-LA Concentrations Among MSM/TGW in HPTN 083 (Brett Hanscom)

HPTN 083

Response to HIV Treatment After Long-Acting Cabotegravir Preexposure Prophylaxis in HPTN 083 (Raphael Landovitz)


HPTN 083

Use of DNA Profiling to Resolve Discrepant HIV Tests in the Setting of Injectable Cabotegravir PrEP (Jessica M. Fogel)

HPTN 084

High Incidence of Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections in HPTN 084: A Tertiary Analysis (Harriet Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha)

HPTN 067

Estimated Benefits of Providing On-Demand PrEP Options for Women in Cape Town: A Modeling Study (Sarah Stansfield)

HVTN 805/HPTN 093/A5390, HVTN 804/HPTN 095/A5393

T Cell Responses in Two Cohorts of Former AMP Participants on Analytical Treatment Interruption (Shelly Karuna)

HVTN 127/HPTN 087, HVTN 130/HPTN 089, HVTN 136/HPTN 092, HVTN 140/HPTN 101, HVTN 703/HPTN 081, HVTN 704/HPTN 085

Fixed Dosing Versus Body-Weight-Based Dosing of HIV-1 Prophylactic Monoclonal Antibodies in Adults (Yunda Huang)