
HPTN at IAS 2021


July 18-21, 2021


IAS 2021 banner



HPTN researchers will present seven abstracts showcasing HPTN 061, HPTN 068HPTN 082, HPTN 083-02, HPTN 084, and HVTN 704/HPTN 085 at the 2021 International AIDS Society (IAS) conference, taking place 18-21 July. The conference will be held virtually, with a local partner hub in Berlin, Germany.







HPTN 061 Comparisons of associations between incarceration and sexual risk behavior and STI/HIV among Black sexual minority men in Six U.S. cities (HPTN 061) e-Poster On-Demand
HPTN 068 Partnership dynamics and dual method use among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa: a longitudinal analysis of HIV Prevention Trials Network 068 data e-Poster On-Demand
HPTN 082 Trust in the PrEP provider is associated with accurate self-reported PrEP adherence among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa e-Poster On-Demand
HPTN 083-02 Understanding participant experiences and preferences in an injectable PrEP trial: a qualitative sub-study of barriers, facilitators, and preferences for PrEP use among MSM and TGW Oral Abstract Session w/Live Q&A

July 21

12:00-12:50 CEST

HPTN 084 Estimated long-acting PrEP effectiveness in the HPTN 084 cohort using a model-based HIV incidence in the absence of PrEP Oral Abstract Session On-Demand
HPTN 084 Long-acting injectable PrEP in women: laboratory analysis of HIV infections in HPTN 084 e-Poster On-Demand
HVTN 704/HPTN 085 HIV-1 Env markers of prevention efficacy in HVTN 704/HPTN 085, the Antibody-Mediated Prevention (AMP) trial of broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) VRC01 in the Americas and Europe: genotypic sieve analysis e-Poster On-Demand