
HPTN Network Performance Awards

HPTN Network Performance Awards During the recent 2021 virtual HPTN Annual Meeting, the HPTN Performance Evaluation Committee recognized top performers for their efforts in supporting the Network’s ongoing research efforts. However, due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the committee determined it was best to modify the award categories and instead celebrate entire study teams for overcoming adversity and implementing innovative approaches to clinical research during a very challenging year.

We want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the HPTN 083 and HPTN 084 study sites, investigators, staff, and most of all, the participants. This remarkable success is a shared success for all of us, and one we hope will lead to the expansion of HIV prevention options for men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women deemed vulnerable to acquiring HIV – and ultimately reductions or elimination of HIV transmission. 


HPTN 083


HPTN 084


HPTN 083 Clinical Research Sites HPTN 084 Clinical Research Sites

Adolescent and Young Adult Research at the CORE Center (AYAR at CORE)

Alabama CRS                       

Asociación Civil Selva Amazónica (ACSA) CRS

Barranco CRS

Bridge HIV CRS

Bronx Prevention Research Center CRS

Centro de Investigaciones Tecnologicas, Biomedicas y Medioambientales (CITBM)

Centro de Pesquisas Clínicas IC-HCFMUSP CRS

Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/AIDS CRS          

Chapel Hill CRS                                 

Chiang Mai University (CMU) HIV Prevention CRS

Children’s Hospital Colorado CRS

Cincinnati CRS                                  

East Bay AIDS Center (EBAC) CRS

Fenway Health CRS

Fundación Huésped CRS Hospital

General de Agudos JM Ramos Mejía Servicio Inmunocomprometidos

George Washington University CRS         

Greensboro CRS

Groote Schuur HIV CRS

Harlem Prevention Center

Hope Clinic of the Emory Vaccine Center CRS

Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição CRS

Houston AIDS Research Team (HART) CRS            

Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas (IPEC) CRS 

Johns Hopkins University CRS

New Jersey Medical School Clinical Research Center CRS

New Orleans Adolescent Trials Unit (NO/ATU) CRS

New York Blood Center CRS

Ohio State University CRS

Penn Prevention CRS                     

Ponce de Leon Center CRS

San Miguel CRS

Silom Community Clinic CRS

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital CRS

Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (TRC-ARC) CRS       

UCLA Care Center CRS

UCLA Vine Street Clinic CRS                         


Via Libre CRS     

Washington University Therapeutics CRS

Weill Cornell Chelsea CRS

Yen Hoa Health Clinic

Baylor Uganda CRS

Blantyre CRS

Botha’s Hill CRS

Desmond Tutu TB Center CRS

Emavunleni CRS

Eswatini Prevention Center CRS

Gabarone CRS

Isipingo CRS

Kisumu CRS  

Malawi CRS

Milton Park CRS   


Saint Mary’s CRS   

Seke South CRS

Soweto CRS

Spilhaus CRS    

UVRI CRS        

Verulam CRS

Ward 21 CRS   

Zengeza CRS