
Lancet HIV Publishes Article from HPTN Modelling Centre


AfricaSeven researchers including the HPTN Modelling Centre’s Drs. Marie-Claude Boily and Kate Mitchell, and HPTN investigator Dr. Chris Beyrer, co-authored the Lancet HIV article “HIV Testing and Engagement with the HIV Treatment Cascade Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” The researchers concluded that among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Africa, HIV status awareness, antiretroviral therapy coverage and viral suppression, remain much lower than required to achieve UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets. In addition, severe anti-LGBT legislation might be associated with lower HIV testing and status awareness; therefore, further research is needed to assess the effect of such legislation on HIV testing and engagement with the HIV treatment cascade among MSM.

The HPTN Modelling Centre, part of the Statistical and Data Management Center, is a collaboration between the Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology at Imperial College London and SCHARP. The Centre supports HPTN research activities, clinical trials, product development, and future HPTN research directions by conducting mathematical modelling studies.