HPTN and the COVID-19 Pandemic

See HIV.gov for guidance on COVID-19 and people with HIV.

In the News

4 April 2020: Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr on U.S. Coronavirus Response (CSPAN) 

4 April 2020: Dr.Jeanne Marrazzo discusses MD nursing home outbreak on CNN (2:13)

6 April 2020: How New York is dealing with Coronavirus (Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr on Kenya Daybreak)

8 April 2020: Dr. Carlos Del Rio speaks to Anderson Cooper

8 April 2020: Dr. Sten Vermund on MSNBC's Morning Joe: "Tracking the spread of coronavirus and the efforts to halt it"

15 April 2020: Carlos del Rio talks to Univision

17 April 2020: Jeanne Marrazzo speaks to CSPAN's Washington Journal

21 April 2020: Jeanne Marrazzo participates in a Coronavirus Q&A for Kids (NY Times)

21 April 2020: Carlos del Rio talks to CNN about COVID-19 vaccine studies

24 April 2020: Carlos del Rio discusses the re-opening of Georgia (MSNBC)

26 April 2020: Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr to NPR: "6 Solutions To Beat COVID-19 In Countries Where The Usual Advice Just Won't Work"

29 April 2020: Steffanie Strathdee talks to Forbes about Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment

6 May 2020: Myron Cohen featured in Science magazine

18 May 2020: Carlos del Rio on CNN: "Doctor testing new vaccine says there's long way to go"

8 July 2020: NIH launches clinical trials network to test COVID-19 vaccines and other prevention tools

31 July 2020: Read Fauci, Redfield and Giroir’s full witness testimony as submitted to the House

13 August 2020: Carlos del Rio on Univision: Moderna Phase 3 vaccine trial lacks participating people of color

September 2020: Carlos del Rio on CNN: Drug companies release a joint statement saying science will guide vaccine trials

September 3, 2020: Vaccine Watch: Antibody trial seeks bridge to COVID-19 vaccine

March 19, 2021: Jessica Justman talks to the Wall Street Journal on COVID vaccinations and travel

El-Sadr W, Justman J. Africa in the Path of Covid-19. The New England Journal of Medicine. 17 April 2020. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2008193


Carlos del Rio, MD reviewing Blanco JL et al. Lancet HIV 2020 May Vizcarra P et al. Lancet HIV 2020 Aug Gervasoni C et al. Clin Infect Dis 2020 May 14. COVID-19 in Persons Living with HIV — What Do We Know Today? NEJM Journal Watch.11 August 2020


El-Sadr, Wafaa M. What one pandemic can teach us in facing another. AIDS: October 1, 2020 - Volume 34 - Issue 12 - p 1757-1759. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002636

Read about HPTN's involvement in the COVID-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN)

Visit PreventCOVID.org