
An Individually Tailored Intervention for HIV Prevention: Baseline Data From the EXPLORE Study


Chesney MA, Koblin BA, Barresi PJ, Husnik MJ, Celum CL, Colfax G, Mayer K, McKirnan D, Judson FN, Huang Y, Coates TJ. An Individually Tailored Intervention for HIV Prevention: Baseline Data From the EXPLORE Study. Am J Public Health. 2003, 93: 933-8.


OBJECTIVES: We describe the intervention tested in EXPLORE, an HIV prevention trial aimed at men who have sex with men (MSM), and test the empirical basis of the individually tailored intervention. METHODS: Data on participants' self-efficacy, communication skills, social norms, and enjoyment of unprotected anal intercourse were examined in relation to sexual risk. Combinations of these factors, together with alcohol use and noninjection drug use, were also examined. RESULTS: The individual factors examined were associated with sexual risk behavior. The cohort was shown to be heterogeneous in regard to the presence of combinations of these risk-related factors. CONCLUSIONS: Baseline data from the EXPLORE study support the efficacy of the individually tailored intervention used.