
A validated new method for nevirapine quantitation in human plasma via high-performance liquid chromatography


Silverthorn CF, Parsons TL. A validated new method for nevirapine quantitation in human plasma via high-performance liquid chromatography. Biomed Chromatogr. 2006, 20: 23-7 PMID: 15920701.


A fully validated and clinically relevant assay was developed for the assessment of nevirapine concentrations in neonate blood plasma samples. Solid-phase extraction with an acid-base wash series was used to prepare subject samples for analysis. Samples were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and detected at 280 nm on a C8 reverse-phase column in an isocratic mobile phase. The retention times of nevirapine and its internal standard were 5.0 and 6.9 min, respectively. The method was validated by assessment of accuracy and precision (statistical values 0.996) and the average recovery was 93% (n = 18). The lower limit of quantification (relative standard deviation