Acceptability of tenofovir gel as a vaginal microbicide by US male participants in a Phase I clinical trial (HPTN 050)
Carballo-Diéguez A, Balán IC, Morrow K, Rosen R, Mantell JE, Gai F, Hoffman S, Maslankowski L, El-Sadr W, Mayer K. Acceptability of tenofovir gel as a vaginal microbicide by US male participants in a Phase I clinical trial (HPTN 050). AIDS Care. 2007, 19: 1026-31 PMID: 17852000.
We studied the acceptability of tenofovir gel among HIV-infected and uninfected men who were exposed to it during vaginal intercourse. The gel was found to be highly acceptable to most men, the large majority indicating they would probably use it in the future if they were concerned about HIV and the product were available. Men liked the gel's transparency and odorless qualities, although reactions to its viscosity were more varied. Men acknowledged women's rights to self-determination concerning HIV-prevention, yet considered that women's covert use of the product was more acceptable in the context of 'one-night-stands' than in stable relationships, for which dialogue on protection measures was preferred. Restrictions to couples' habitual sexual repertoire and the protocol requirement to use condoms resulted in complaints. Microbicide trials that do not require condom use from men who don't typically use them may provide a more accurate assessment of acceptability. Consistent microbicide use may be contingent on its ease of incorporation into typical sexual practices, type of sexual partnership and contextual issues.