Partnering for Care in HIV Prevention Trials
Macqueen KM, McLoughlin K, Alleman P, Burke HM, Mack N. Partnering for Care in HIV Prevention Trials. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2008, 3: 5-18 PMID:19385753.
QUALITATIVE CASE STUDIES WERE conducted at seven international sites conducting HIV prevention research in Africa, Asia, and the Americas to identify strategies for ensuring that health needs of research participants identified in the course of research are adequately addressed. Key factors were identified that contribute to the balance between direct care and healthcare referrals at a research site, as well as the overall quality of the healthcare made available to research participants. The case studies exemplify the concept of "moral negotiation" in research (Weijer & LeBlanc, 2006), that is, a process where researchers and sponsors negotiate with increasingly empowered local communities and host countries to achieve meaningful and substantive benefits from biomedical research for all stakeholders.