Characteristics of Multiple and Concurrent Partnerships among Women at High Risk for HIV Infection
Adimora AA, Hughes JP, Wang J, Haley DF, Golin CE, Magnus M, Rompalo A, Justman J, Del Rio C, El-Sadr W, Mannheimer S, Soto-Torres L, Hodder SL; for the HPTN 064 Protocol Team. Characteristics of Multiple and Concurrent Partnerships among Women at High Risk for HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014, 65: 99-106. PMC4172374
OBJECTIVES:: We examined parameters of sexual partnerships, including respondents' participation in concurrency, belief that their partner had concurrent partnerships (partners' concurrency), and partnership intervals, among the 2,099 women in HIV Prevention Trials Network 064, a study of women at high risk for HIV infection, in ten US communities. METHODS:: We analyzed baseline survey responses about partnership dates to determine prevalence of participants' and partners' concurrency, intervals between partnerships, knowledge of whether recent partner(s) had undergone HIV testing, and intercourse frequency during the preceding 6 months. RESULTS:: Prevalence of participants' and partners' concurrency was 40% and 36% respectively; 24% of respondents had both concurrent partnerships and non-monogamous partners. Among women with >1 partner and no concurrent partnerships themselves, the median gap between partners was one month. Multiple episodes of unprotected vaginal intercourse with ≥2 of their most recent partners was reported by 60% of women who had both concurrent partnerships and non-monogamous partners, 50% with only concurrent partners and no partners' concurrency, and 33% with only partners' concurrency versus 14% of women with neither type of concurrency (p