Predicted Effectiveness of Daily and Non-Daily PrEP for MSM Based on Sex and Pill-Taking Patterns from HPTN 067/ADAPT
Dimitrov D, Moore JR, Wood D, Mitchell KM, Li M, Hughes JP, Donnell DJ, Mannheimer S, Holtz TH, Grant RM, Boily MC. Predicted Effectiveness of Daily and Non-Daily PrEP for MSM Based on Sex and Pill-Taking Patterns from HPTN 067/ADAPT. Clin Infect Dis. 2019
BACKGROUND: HPTN 067/ADAPT evaluated the feasibility of daily and non-daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimens among high-risk populations, including men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women, in Bangkok, Thailand and Harlem, New York, U.S. We used a mathematical model to predict the efficacy and effectiveness of different dosing regimens. METHODS: An individual-based mathematical model was used to simulate annual HIV incidence among MSM cohorts. PrEP efficacy for covered sex acts, as defined in the HPTN 067/ADAPT protocol, was estimated using subgroup efficacy estimates from the iPrEx trial. Effectiveness was estimated by comparison of the HIV incidence with and without PrEP use. RESULTS: We estimated that PrEP was highly protective (85%-96% efficacy across regimens and sites) for fully covered acts. PrEP was more protective for partially covered acts in Bangkok (71%-88% efficacy) than in Harlem (62%-81% efficacy). Our model projects 80%, 62%, and 68% effectiveness of daily, time-driven, and event-driven PrEP for MSM in Harlem compared with 90%, 85% and 79% for MSM in Bangkok. Halving the efficacy for partially covered acts decreases effectiveness by 8-9 percentage points in Harlem and by 5-9 percentage points in Bangkok across regimens. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests that PrEP was more effective among MSM in Thailand than in the U.S. as a result of more fully covered sex acts and more pills taken around partially covered acts. Overall, non-daily PrEP was less effective than daily PrEP, especially in the U.S. where the sex act coverage associated with daily use was substantially higher.