Resources and Forms
A list of common acronyms used by the HPTN.
DAIDS Site Expansion Information Sheet
The Division of AIDS (DAIDS) has developed this tool to assist the Networks in collecting key information from site leaders who are requesting to expand site services beyond the Main CRS. The Network staff should carefully review and determine if there is a clear and justifiable need to expand beyond the complete list of fully-funded sites that are currently available to the Network to support the specific study. Once the Network staff has made a determination, please submit the completed and signed application to the OCSO Network Liaison for review and internal processing. The final decision will be communicated to all stakeholders by the OCSO Program Officer responsible for the Main CRS and/or CTU proposing to expand their CRS or location.
Educational Resources
Educational resources about HIV and HIV prevention.
Manuscript Review
Submit HPTN-related publications for review by the HPTN Manuscript Review Committee.
SOAP Example for Chart Notes
Guidelines and examples on the SOAP format for Chart Notes.