HPTN Publications
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Han K, Patel P, McCallister S, Rinehart AR, Gandhi Y, Spreen W, Landovitz RJ, Delany-Moretlwe S, Marzinke MA, McKeon T, Budnik P, van Wyk J, Ford SL . Long-acting cabotegravir pharmacokinetics with and without oral lead-in for HIV PrEP. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother
HPTN 083
Hanass-Hancock J, Carpenter B, Reddy T, Nzuza A, Gaffoor Z, Goga A, Andrasik M . Participants’ characteristics and motivations to screen for HIV vaccine and monoclonal antibody trials in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Trials. 2022, 22: 897
HVTN 703/HPTN 081
Hanrahan D, Sexton P, Hui K, Teitcher J, Sugarman J, London AJ, Barnes M, Purpura J, Klitzman R . Linguistic and Cultural Challenges in Communication and Translation in US-Sponsored HIV Prevention Research in Emerging Economies. PLoS One. 2015, 10: e01333394
PLoS One
Hanscom BS, Donnell DJ, Fleming TR, Hughes JP, McCauley M, Grinsztejn B, Landovitz RJ, Emerson SS . Evaluating group-sequential non-inferiority clinical trials following interim stopping: The HIV Prevention Trials Network 083 trial.. Clin Trials.
Clin Trials
HPTN 083
Harawa N, Wilton L, Wang L, Mao C, Kuo I, Penniman T, Shoptaw S, Griffith S, Williams JK, Cummings V, Mayer K, Koblin B; HPTN 061 Study Team, Koblin B, HPTN 061 Study Team . Types of Female Partners Reported by Black Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW) and Associations with Intercourse Frequency, Unprotected Sex and HIV and STI Prevalence. AIDS Behav. 2014, 18: 1548-59
AIDS Behav
HPTN 061
Hardick A, Hardick J, Wood BJ, Gaydos C . Comparison between the Gen-Probe transcription-mediated amplification Trichomonas vaginalis research assay and real-time PCR for Trichomonas vaginalis detection using Roche LightCycler instrument with self-obtained vaginal swab and male urine samples.. J Clin Microbiol. 2006, 44: 4197-9
J Clin Microbiol
Hardick J, Crowell TA, Lombardi K, Akintunde A, Odeyemi S, Ivo A, Eluwa G, Njab J, Baral SD, Nowak RG, Quinn TC, Barbian K, Anzick S, Adebajo S, Charurat ME, Ake J, Gaydos CA . Molecular screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae antimicrobial resistance markers in Nigerian men who have sex with men and transgender women. Int J STD AIDS. 2018, 29: 1273-1281
Hardick J, Giles J, Hardick A, Hsieh YH, Quinn T, Gaydos C . Performance of the gen-probe transcription-mediated [corrected] amplification research assay compared to that of a multitarget real-time PCR for Mycoplasma genitalium detection. J Clin Microbiol. 2006, 44: 1236-40
J Clin Microbiol