HPTN Publications
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Mulubwa C, Hensen B, Phiri MM, Shanaube K, Schaap AJ, Floyd S, Phiri CR, Bwalya C, Bond V, Simwinga M, Mwenge L, Fidler S, Hayes R, Mwinga A, Ayles H, for the HPTN 071 Study Team . Community based distribution of oral HIV self-testing kits in Zambia: a cluster-randomised trial nested in four HPTN 071 (PopART) intervention communities. Lancet HIV. 2019, 6: e81-e92
Lancet HIV
HPTN 071
Musoke P, Guay LA, Bagenda D, Mirochnick M, Nakabiito C, Fleming T, Elliott T, Horton S, Dransfield K, Pav JW, Murarka A, Allen M, Fowler MG, Mofenson L, Hom D, Mmiro F, Jackson JB . A phase I/II study of the safety and pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in HIV-1-infected pregnant Ugandan women and their neonates (HIVNET 006). AIDS. 1999, 13: 479-86
Musoke PM, Young AM, Owor MA, Lubega IR, Brown ER, Mmiro FA, Mofenson LM, Jackson JB, Fowler MG, Guay LA . Total lymphocyte count: not a surrogate marker for risk of death in HIV-infected Ugandan children. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008, 49: 171-8.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
Mwinga K, Vermund SH, Chen YQ, Mwatha A, Read JS, Urassa W, Carpenetti N, Valentine M, Goldenberg RL . Selected hematologic and biochemical measurements in African HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women and their infants: the HIV Prevention Trials Network 024 protocol. BMC Pedatr. 2009, 7: 49
BMC Pedatr
Myron S. Cohen, Lawrence Corey, Cohen MS, Corey L . Broadly neutralizing antibodies to prevent HIV-1. 2017, 358: 46-47
Naranbhai V, Moodley D, Chipato T, Stranix-Chibanda L, Nakabaiito C, Kamateeka M, Musoke P, Manji K, George K, Emel LM, Richardson P, Andrew P, Fowler M, Fletcher H, McShane H, Coovadia HM, Hill AV; HPTN 046 Protocol Team . The association between the ratio of monocytes: lymphocytes and risk of tuberculosis among HIV-infected postpartum women.. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2014, 67: 573-5
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
HPTN 046
National Institutes of Health . Interventions to prevent HIV risk behaviors. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement February 11-13, 1997. AIDS. 2000, 14 Suppl 2: S85-96
Ndimande-Khoza MN, Scorgie F, Delany-Moretlwe S, Selin A, Twine R, Kahn K, Pettifor A, MacPhail C . The impact of conditional cash transfers for HIV prevention on peer relationships: perspectives from female recipients and non-recipients in HPTN 068. BMC Public Health. 2022, 22: 2230
BMC Public Health
HPTN 068